If there is any dental procedure which many people still fear, it is the RCT teeth treatment. The treatment is essential if there is constant toothache or hypersensitivity while eating ice cream or sipping a warm cup of coffee. Facing these symptoms indicates that the bacteria have reached the dental pulp and requires prompt treatment.
Most people dislike RCT teeth treatment, thinking the procedure will be associated with tremendous pain and cost a fortune. However, with the latest advances in dentistry, such as laser-assisted RCT and a wide range of anesthesia, the entire procedure is now completely painless, efficient, and even more affordable. Continue reading as we, the RCT specialists at Impressionz Dental Care, help you understand more about RCT along with RCT treatment cost in Mumbai.
RCT, or endodontic therapy, removes the infected pulp to save the tooth. The procedure saves the tooth from tooth removal. The pulp contains the blood vessels and nerves which keep the tooth alive. When an endodontist examines if the pulp has an infection or decay with the help of an X-ray, the endodontist will recommend undergoing an RCT. Some symptoms wherein a RCT is essential:
- Extreme pain while chewing.
- Pimple on the gum area.
- A chipped or cracked tooth.
- Hypersensitive to hot or cold.
- Swollen or tender gums.
- Step 1. Identifying Infected Pulp - Initially, the endodontist will have a look at your teeth and take X-rays to understand the extent of tooth decay. Once the X-rays are examined and the endodontist understands the extent of decay, the endodontist will apply a topical gel to numb the gum tissue and inject local anesthesia. Once the anesthesia numbs the tooth, the endodontist places a dental dam, a small rubber material, to isolate the tooth.
- Step 2. Remove the Infected Pulp from Inside the Tooth - The endodontist will drill a hole in the top of the tooth to remove the bacteria from the pulp. This step allows the endodontist to reach the pulp chamber inside the tooth. Now, the endodontist will use surgical tools to the roots of the canals and the pulp chamber and ensure no infection that will cause pain is left. After cleaning the canals, files will be inserted of varying diameters into the holes to reach the root tip and remove the infected root canals.
- Step 3: Filling a Fresh Root Filler - After the pulp chamber has been entirely cleaned and dried, the endodontist will fill the canals with a gutta percha which will be later heated. The endodontist compresses it to ensure that it fits against the walls. Next, your endodontist will use adhesive cement to properly close the canals. A well-sealed canal will prevent the tooth from further decay.
- Step 4: Rebuilding the Tooth - After filling the tooth, the endodontist applies a temporary or permanent filling, depending on the situation, and then removes the dental dam. Once the filling is placed, the endodontist will make a dental impression to prepare the crown.
- Step 5: Prescription - After the RCT teeth treatment procedure is completed, the endodontist will prescribe a course of antibiotics along with a list of instructions to ensure a complete and swift recovery without complications.
- Step 6: Placement of Crown - After antibiotics are completed, you must visit the dental clinic for crown placement, which will support the tooth and long-lasting results, with minimal risks of bacteria entering the tooth.
- Eliminates Infection and Toothache - A toothache is one of the worst things a human can ever experience and can distract one from work. The pain is caused by bacteria reaching the dental pulp. A RCT involves cleaning the damaged nerves that were leading to the toothache. There are tons of anesthesia options available, which will make the entire procedure completely painless.
- Prevents Spread of Infection to Adjacent Teeth - Once there is an infection in the dental pulp chamber, it won't be limited to a single tooth; there are chances the infection might spread to the adjacent teeth. Undergoing an RCT will not only help one save the infected tooth but will also aid in spreading the infection to the adjacent teeth.
- Saves Natural Tooth Instead of Extraction - Instead of getting the tooth extracted, RCT helps to keep the natural teeth which also eliminates the need for getting a bridge or an implant.
- The front teeth generally have one or two canals, whereas the molars have three to four canals. For the RCT procedure, the higher the number of canals the tooth has, the higher the cost of the treatment.
- The extent to which the infection has occurred will determine the number of sittings required.
- The qualifications and expertise of the endodontist will also affect the cost of the RCT.
- The cost of the RCT also depends on the city and country where you are getting the treatment. Many dental clinics have the latest equipment and filling materials.
The average RCT cost in Mumbai ranges from Rs 4000 to Rs 15000. The cost of the treatment varies based on several factors, including the dental clinic's location, the number of sessions needed, and the dentist's expertise. The mentioned amount is only an estimate, and the actual cost of the RCT depends on the extent of damage caused to the teeth. Also, the cost associated with the crown is separate from the cost of the RCT.
Whether you are experiencing tooth pain or hypersensitivity while eating cold foods, promptly identifying the signs and scheduling an appointment without delay is essential for successful treatment outcomes. With prompt and effective treatment, RCT will save your natural tooth from needing extraction and improve oral hygiene. Even though the cost of RCT in Mumbai varies depending on numerous factors, it is an investment for sustaining natural teeth and avoiding more expensive dental treatments in the near future.
RCT At Impressionz Dental Care, Mumbai
Focusing on oral hygiene is essential to achieving a radiant smile. The comforting reality is that the RCT treatment is completely painless, so you don't have to fear visiting a dentist. Impressionz Dental Care, established in 2010, is one of the best dental clinics in Borivali West for RCT Teeth treatment at an affordable rate. We are equipped with advanced techniques like laser-assisted RCT, which cleans and sterilizes the root canals and kills harmful bacteria Up to 10,000 Times Greater.
When you visit us for a consultation, you will be consulted by the most experienced endodontist, who will examine your tooth and take a few X-rays. Once the consultation step is completed, our RCT specialists will have a word with you about the treatment plan and the RCT treatment cost.
If you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, contact the dental experts at IMPRESSIONS DENTAL CARE and schedule an appointment with our qualified endodontists.