It's fascinating to you now that you have undergone an Invisalign treatment and can smile freely, expressing your true self. The process of Invisalign is much more straightforward and requires low maintenance compared to traditional methods like having wires and brackets all over your teeth.
Therefore, besides offering you the best possible Invisalign treatment in Mumbai, we at Impressionz Dental Care want you to take precautionary steps to take care of your Invisalign clear aligners. Here are seven simple tips our orthodontist in Mumbai listed to help you keep your aligners well-maintained.
- Remove Aligners While Drinking or Eating
Clear aligners are undoubtedly a comfortable fit but always remember to remove them while you eat or drink. Beverages other than water and food substances can stain the Invisalign, potentially damaging its surface. Since the fit is trimmed along your gum line, they can easily be removed even in public while you're about to munch on your favorite meal.
- Store your Aligners in a Case
After getting an Invisalign treatment in Mumbai, you should wear your Invisalign for 20-22 hours daily to achieve the best results. When not in use, consider storing them in the aligner case.
It will ensure hygiene, preventing dirt or bacteria from sticking to them. If you can't store them in a case, keep them in a clean and dry area, avoiding your pockets.
- Use a Soft-bristle Toothbrush for Daily Cleaning
For quick cleaning of aligners, our orthodontist suggests using a soft-bristled toothbrush with toothpaste and warm water. Gently erase areas containing food or drink residue and rinse them with warm water after a good brush.
- Continue with Brushing and Flossing
Usual brushing and flossing ensure your teeth and gums remain healthy, besides removing any particle that could stain the Invisalign.
Use fluoride paste for brushing twice every day, and flossing before you brush can eventually let you make it a habit for your daily routine.
- Rinse Invisalign after Removing them
After removing your aligners, the dentist suggests rinsing them in lukewarm water to remove any particles stuck inside the Invisalign. Brush your teeth later and rinse your mouth with water nicely, furthermore.
- Avoid Beverages that could cause staining
Certain substances like tea, coffee, red wine, cola, soy sauce, curries and balsamic vinegar could lead to staining of the clear aligners. Taking off your Invisalign while eating or drinking anything except water at room temperature is a must. Brush or rinse your mouth to clean all residue before setting it in the aligners again.
- Visit your Orthodontist in Mumbai Regularly
After you have satisfied your curiosity to find "Invisalign near me" over the web, seeing your doctor regularly is the best way to maintain your Invisalign. The professional will be able to identify the progress of the treatment, elaborate better on teeth straightening costs, and spot potential problems earlier, if any.
At Impressionz Dental Care, we ensure you realize your smile's true potential with affordable teeth straightening costs. Whether you have crooked, misaligned, or teeth with gaps, our orthodontists guarantee outstanding results by using high-quality equipment for the treatment procedures.
To keep your clear aligners damage-free, follow these seven tips and keep the Invisalign treatment on track by consulting the dental professional who will measure its progress to give you a stunning smile. To learn more about Invisalign cost in Mumbai, visit us at our Impressionz Dental Care clinic and take the following actions towards gaining a healthy, straighter smile today.