Pediatric Dentist in Mumbai

The very first step in achieving good oral hygiene for your child is to keep their baby teeth healthy. The care given to the first-grown teeth will identify the eruption of the adult teeth. Moreover, proper care protects the teeth from cavities or tooth decay.

Tooth decay is associated with chewing problems, creating a challenging time in school for your kid due to the pain and interfering with the eruption of the adult teeth.

Tooth Decay: The Term

The accumulated bacteria in our mouth causes the consumed food's sugar to turn into acid, ultimately making the acid cause cavities or holes within the teeth.

Is Your Child at Risk for Decay?

Tooth decay is a common problem in childhood. Avoiding sugary foods and beverages helps prevent decay, along with following brushing and flossing habits regularly. Visiting a pediatric dentist will help guide you on how to take care of your kid's dental issues, keeping tooth decay at bay.

Brushing Suggestions

Follow the below-mentioned steps as provided by pediatric dental clinics to ensure your child's healthier teeth

  1. Begin with the first baby tooth
    Clean your baby's teeth with plain water using a soft, bristled children's toothbrush. Before bedtime, brush their teeth twice every day. After your child turns two, you would want to look for a "kids' dentist near me." So, visit a pediatric dentist in Mumbaito know when the right time is to start using fluoride toothpaste.
  2. Teach them to brush twice a day
    Make your infant brush using a tiny pea-sized quantity of toothpaste at two or three. Let them spit the paste after brushing since fluoride can create white spots on their adult teeth. At seven, keep an eye on when your kid starts brushing their teeth, making sure they brush twice, spit out the paste and touch all their teeth properly.
  3. Make brushing a fun thing to do
    Brushing might seem complicated for kids initially but try these tricks to make it seem fun. Let them choose their brush in a favorite color or any cartoon character they love, ensuring the perfect size for their teeth. Introduce books or shows that teach brushing and then discuss their idol characters while they practice brushing. Sing or play their go-to song to help them perform the activity for 2 minutes.

Include Fluoride in their Brushing Routine

As a mineral, fluoride protects the teeth from decay, so before buying the product, read the label to be sure it contains fluoride.

Ask the pediatric dentist about fluoride varnish

AAsk your infant's doctor to provide fluoride varnish after the growth of their first tooth, which is a thing coating on the teeth to prevent any potential damage.

Check fluoride's presence in the water you consume

Find out from the local water company whether the tap water in your area comprises fluoride. If not, ask the dentist if fluoride supplements are required.

Let your child drink tap water

Fluoride in tap water will protect the teeth than regular bottled water. Check with the local water provider to ensure its safety.


Children aged six months or above can consume fluoride supplements (drops or tablets) as the dentist recommends.

Food and Drinks

Include fruits, whole grains, beans, dairy and lean meats in your child's diet. Consuming dairy products comprises calcium that is beneficial to the teeth. Offer them healthy drinks rather than sugar-laden ones, such as natural fruit juices and plain water between meals. Avoid giving them a bottle all night, as the milk or formula will stick to their teeth, increasing the risk of cavities.

Visit a pediatric dentist for regular checkups

At the age of 1, start taking your infant to the dentist for dental checkups. The visit might seem scary to the child, so you can allow your little one to get comfortable with the specialist. Ask them about cleaning tips and other ways to keep the kid's mouth fit. After the first appointment, schedule further regular checkups for your child.

Ask about sealants

To help protect the teeth from damage, a thin plastic material known as sealant is put on the top of the teeth, positioned at the back of the mouth. When searching for a "pediatric dentist near me", ask them if sealants suit your kid.

Impressionz Dental Care: The Trusted Place for Your Child's Dental Care

To keep your dental worries away, we at Impressionz Dental Care believe in delivering exemplary oral healthcare services tailored to your specific requirements and guaranteeing a smile you cherish for a lifetime. As one of the leading pediatric dental clinics in Borivali West, our treatments comprise child dental care, dental smile makeovers, root canals, dental tooth fillings, dental implants, gum treatments, oral rehabilitation, orthodontics, teeth whitening & and bleaching. To experience our services, book an appointment today.